Here is an overview of what happens after you post a job on Go4.
- We market your job
- Athletic trainers will apply
- Reviewing & accepting applicants
- Shift Statuses
- Where can I view all of my applicants?
We market your job
After a job is posted on Go4, it is marketed to athletic trainers in the area. We work hard to get your job in front of as many ATs as possible, and we send emails and push notifications about open jobs.
Athletic trainers will apply
Most of the time, a job will receive an application within 48 hours of being posted. We suggest boosting the pay rate if you do not receive an application within two days.
Hiring organizations need to act fast! Applications expire after 7 days.
Job posters will be notified daily of outstanding applications. They can log in at any time to review applicants and accept them.
Reviewing & accepting applicants
Use the Applicants to Review widget on the Dashboard.
Click VIEW PROFILE to review the applicant before accepting.
The profile will show you:
Go4 Shifts |
Number of shifts worked on Go4 |
Callouts | The number of shifts the AT has removed themselves from a job within 7 days of the shift start time |
Reliability Score | This compares the number of callouts within 7 days of a shift to the number of jobs worked by the AT. |
{Your Organization} Shifts |
Number of shifts worked for your organization |
Would I hire again? | This is the most recent rating that you gave the AT. These ratings are kept private for your organization only and are not shared with the AT. If you rate the same AT multiple times, the most recent rating will display. |
Credentials | Review credentials to ensure they meet your organization's requirements. |
Experience | Setting and Sport Experience |
Once you have decided who to select, click ACCEPT
Please note that once an Athletic Trainer is confirmed, fees will apply per the cancellation policy should you choose to cancel later. Click here to learn more. [Effective Jan 1, 2025]
Once accepted, the applicant will be in PENDING CONFIRMATION.
At this point, the athletic trainer has 24 hours to confirm the job. A job must be confirmed by the accepted AT to be considered filled.
Shift Statuses
After you accept an athletic trainer, they are emailed, prompting them to confirm the job.
After hitting ACCEPT the shift changes to PENDING CONFIRMATION. The AT has 24 hours to confirm the job, or else they are removed.
Once the AT confirms, the status changes to CONFIRMED and the job is considered filled. You will be notified via email that the AT confirmed the job. No more action is required.
If a confirmed AT can no longer work the shift, they can call out. The status next to their name will be CALLOUT.
At this point, you can select a replacement from the waitlist (if you have one), or the shift will be re-marketed.
If you post a job for one AT and receive two applications, the applicant you do not accept will be moved to a WAITLIST.
The waitlist comes in handy in two scenarios: (1) you have a Callout and need to select a new AT, or (2) you need to increase the number of ATs for the shift; you can do that and then accept from the waitlist.
On the day of the shift, the AT has to check in on the app to trigger payment. Once the AT clicks CHECK IN on their Go4 app, the shift status will change to CHECKED IN.
After the shift ends the status will eventually change to PAID. Additionally, the job will move to the FINANCE page. Click here to learn more.
Where can I view all of my applicants and confirmed ATs?
Upcoming Jobs is the best place to view all activities. Click on the Job Name to view all shifts and the ATs that have applied.
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