Go4 has two Pay Rates to choose from:
Hourly Rate
A job will cost the Hourly Rate x Hours Worked + Fees*.
Flat Rate
This is a single rate for the entire shift, paid to the athletic trainer once the shift ends. For example, if a shift is Monday through Friday, and you select a Flat Rate, the payment will be processed on Friday when the shift is complete.
Some things to consider when setting your rate:
When is the job starting?
How Much Should I Pay?
We don't dictate prices.
You can select any rate you want; however, several factors impact your chances of getting an applicant. Like many other things, the higher the rate, the more likely someone will apply.
We use data from our marketplace to share the average transacted rate in the job's location. Posting at the average rate does not guarantee you an applicant.
Should you post below an average rate, a pop up warning will display:
If a job receives an application, it will most often happen within 48 hours of being posted. So, if you don't get an application within two days, we suggest boosting the rate.
What day is the job and what are the times?
- Most ATs have jobs requiring afternoon hours commitments, i.e., covering their school’s practices and games.
- ATs are looking at the total pay for a job. For example, while an afternoon job on a weekday might have a higher per-hour rate, a weekend job with a lower rate and more hours will have a higher total payout.
Shift Length
Our data shows that shorter shifts (under 3 hours) are challenging to fill, especially on weekday afternoons. A higher pay rate can help in this situation.
Time of Year
During the summer, the number of weekend tournaments increases dramatically, so the demand for athletic trainers increases. While the per-hour pay is important, ATs also consider other factors when deciding to take a job, such as whether meals and/or supplies are provided.
If you are far from a metropolitan area, consider increasing your pay rate to help compensate the AT for travel costs.
If you need help determining a pay rate, our team is happy to help. Email us at contactus@go4.io.
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